Registro de usuarios
Condiciones generales
Estas condiciones generales de compraventa (en adelante, las "Condiciones Generales") regulan la compraventa on-line de los productos ofrecidos al público por "WORLDFLAGS.ES" a través de la TIENDA VIRTUAL (en adelante, los "Productos") y puestos a la venta a través de los medios técnicos allí incorporados al efecto (en adelante, el "Servicio"), y completan, en cuanto no se opongan a ellos, los pactos establecidos en la correspondiente orden de compra electrónica (en adelante, la "Orden de Compra").
La cumplimentación y envío de la Orden de Compra expresa la adhesión plena y sin reservas a todas y cada una de las Condiciones Generales, tal y como se indica en la casilla "Acepto las Condiciones Generales" de la Orden de Compra.
Las Órdenes de Compra únicamente se cursarán a "WORLDFLAGS.ES" mediante medios electrónicos desde WORLDFLAGS.ES, precisamente con empleo de los medios técnicos allí dispuestos al efecto, debidamente cumplimentadas y, en particular, habiéndose completado enteramente los espacios en blanco y habiéndose proporcionado todos y cada uno de los datos solicitados como obligatorios.
Una vez recibida una Orden de Compra, WORLDFLAGS.ES remitirá de forma inmediata una confirmación del PEDIDO CURSADO (en adelante, la "Confirmación") a la dirección de correo electrónico indicada en la Orden de Compra.
En el supuesto de que en el momento de recepción de una Orden de Compra no hubiera existencias disponibles del Producto o Productos objeto de dicha Orden, WORLDFLAGS.ES ofrecerá al Cliente la posibilidad de esperar a que se reciba de su proveedor, adquirir un Producto similar o de ANULAR la Orden de Compra y emitir el oportuno REEMBOLSO, siempre a través del mismo medio de pago utilizado.
4.1. Precio
El precio de los Productos se pagará exclusivamente, y a elección del Cliente, por cualquiera de los medios siguientes:
(1) Mediante TARJETA DE CREDITO (RECOMENDADO). El servicio de pago mediante tarjeta de crédito es proporcionado directamente por una entidad de crédito. WORLDFLAGS.ES excluye toda responsabilidad en relación con la confidencialidad y seguridad de la información y datos proporcionados por el Cliente con ocasión del pago de sus compras electrónicas mediante tarjeta de crédito, en la medida en que el tratamiento de dicha información y datos no se encuentre exclusivamente bajo el control de WORLDFLAGS.ES.
(2) Mediante TRANSFERENCIA BANCARIA al número de cuenta 0182 0329 55 0201525652 del BBVA, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria. En este caso, el cliente deberá indicar el importe total de su compra, el beneficiario Ibón Olave Arregui y como Concepto o Razón del Pago su nombre y primer apellido seguido del número de la Orden de Compra asignado al realizar la operación de compra.
(4) PAYPAL (E-mail:[email protected])
4.2. Gastos e impuestos
Los gastos de acondicionamiento, embalaje y envío de los Productos comprados, así como, en su caso, el IVA y otros impuestos que sean de aplicación, son por cuenta del Cliente, que procederá a pagarlos junto con el precio y en la misma forma elegida para hacer efectivo el pago. NORMALMENTE Y SALVO EXCEPCIONES LOS GASTOS ANEXOS E IMPUESTOS ESTÁN INCLUIDOS EN EL PRECIO FINAL.
4.3. Garantías sobre el pago
Para el caso de que el Cliente escogiera el pago contra reembolso , Gastos Administrativos, Logísticos de la Empresa de Servicios e impuestos aplicables suponen un sobrecosto de 3€ que será asumido por el cliente que solicite esta modalidad de pago. WORLDFLAGS.ES se reserva el derecho a exigir que el Cliente preste las oportunas garantías de pago antes de remitir la Confirmación y dar curso al pedido recibido, atendiendo para ello a los riesgos a los que previsiblemente se exponga, como, por ejemplo, las incidencias habidas con ocasión de otros pagos anteriores o la existencia de informes financieros que así lo aconsejen.
4.4. Intereses moratorios
En caso de demora en el pago del precio, gastos e impuestos aplicables, el Cliente vendrá obligado a satisfacer a WORLDFLAGS.ES un interés de demora equivalente al cuatro (4%) mensual sobre la cantidad adeudada, calculado desde la fecha en que venció la obligación de pago en virtud de la factura correspondiente hasta la fecha en que ésta sea íntegramente satisfecha.
WORLDFLAGS.ES se reserva expresamente el dominio del Producto hasta el pago íntegro de su precio gastos e impuestos aplicables, así como intereses moratorios.
6.1. Plazo
El plazo de entrega de los productos EN STOCK, será de entre 48h y 5 días hábiles(según situación geográficade destino), desde el momento en que se hace el efectivo cobro de la totalidad del precio, gastos e impuestos aplicables. Para los supuestos en que el producto hubiera de solicitarse a los proveedores de WORLDFLAGS.ES, el plazo de entrega citado anteriormente se entenderá desde el momento de la recepción de la mercancía en los almacenes de WORLDFLAGS.ES. WORLDFLAGS declina toda responsabilidad en caso de imposibilidad de prestación del Servicio, si ello se debe a cualquier supuesto de fuerza mayor o caso fortuito.
6.2. Zonas de entrega
WORLDFLAGS.ES realiza sus envios A TODO EL MUNDO.
6.3. Transmisión de riesgos
La entrega se realiza mediante la puesta a disposición del Producto por WORLDFLAGS.ES o por un tercero por cuenta de WORLDFLAGS.ES en la dirección indicada por el Cliente en la Orden de Compra. El Cliente asumirá todos los riesgos de deterioro, menoscabo, daños y pérdida de los Productos desde el momento en que los Productos hubieran sido puestos a su disposición con arreglo a esta cláusula.
WORLDFLAGS.ES quedará liberada del cumplimiento de sus obligaciones de entrega previstas en la Cláusula 5 y declina toda responsabilidad al respecto en los siguientes supuestos:
(a) Impago total o parcial por el Cliente acompañando a la Orden de Compra, salvo en la modalidad de pago contra reembolso.
(b) Omisión o inexactitud de las informaciones que, de conformidad con la Cláusula 3 anterior, debe suministrar el Cliente en la Orden de Compra al tiempo de efectuar el pedido.
8.1. Forma y plazo de ejercicio
El Cliente podrá desistir libremente de la compra siempre antes de la salida del producto.
El ejercicio del derecho de desistimiento no estará sujeto a formalidad alguna, bastando que se acredite en cualquier forma admitida en Derecho.
8.2. Reembolso en caso de desistimiento
WORLDFLAGS.ES reembolsará al Cliente el importe satisfecho inicialmente por éste.
WORLDFLAGS.ES se responsabiliza de la calidad de sus productos, y admite la devolución de cualesquiera Productos defectuosos, haciéndose cargo de los gastos ocasionados como consecuencia de tal devolución siempre que el Cliente comunique esta circunstancia en el plazo de 7 días contados desde la fecha de entrega.
El Cliente autoriza a WORLDFLAGS.ES a tratar de forma automatizada los datos facilitados por el Cliente en la Orden de Compra (en adelante, los "Datos Personales"). WORLDFLAGS.ES tratará automatizadamente los Datos Personales para los usos y con las finalidades así como bajo las condiciones definidas en su Política de Protección de Datos.
El Cliente expresa, mediante la aceptación de este contrato, su consentimiento inequívoco a la transferencia de dichos datos a un servidor localizado en los Estados Unidos de América, y a otras entidades con relación regulada con WORLDFLAGS.ES únicamente para posibilitar la prestación, control y facturación del servicio.
Mediante la cumplimentación y envío de la correspondiente Orden de Compra, el Usuario acepta que sus Datos Personales sean objeto de tratamiento automatizado por parte de WORLDFLAGS.ES en los términos indicados en la Política de Protección de Datos Personales de WORLDFLAGS.ES.
11.1. Modo de efectuarlas
Toda comunicación entre el Cliente y WORLDFLAGS.ES relativa a un pedido determinado podrá hacerse bien por correo ordinario, correo electrónico, teléfono o telefax. En estos tres últimos casos, los mensajes se reputarán válidos y vinculantes, siempre que la contraseña del correo electrónico, telefax, o las comprobaciones que WORLDFLAGS.ES considere pertinentes realizar a través del teléfono, aparenten pertenecer a la contraparte y (en el caso del telefax) el original de la comunicación parezca haber sido firmado por un representante de la contraparte.
11.2. Direcciones
A efectos de comunicaciones, WORLDFLAGS.ES designa la siguiente dirección:
La dirección del Cliente a efectos de comunicaciones será la que en cada caso se designe en el pedido correspondiente de conformidad con la Cláusula 3 anterior.
Para expresar cualquier opinión, sugerencia o duda, los usuarios podrán ponerse en contacto con el Servicio de Atención al Cliente de WORLDFLAGS.ES :
- Mediante correo electrónico a la dirección [email protected]
- Mediante el teléfono de Atención Comercial : 943 37 64 24
Estas condiciones generales se rigen por la ley española.
Terms and conditions
These are the general terms of purchase (henceforth general terms) ruling the sales through our e-commerce of all the products displayed ("henceforth products"). These terms are a complement to the specific terms set in the electronic order of purchase.
These general terms compilation are intended to rule on a basis of a B2C or final costumers model, and don't apply to B2B models or sales to retailers or resellers.
The completion and sending of the Order sheet express the total agreement to all the general terms, as it is indicated in the box "I accept all the general terms" of the Order of purchase.
All content included in this website, such as logo, graphics, icons, images, downloads, and data compilation is property of or its content providers. All this content is protected by the international coypright laws.
The term worldlfags or tarde marks associated may not be used in connection with any other products or services that are not or any of their propietors, in a way that is likely to cause confusion among costumers or discredit the name of the company. Al those commercial logos, graphisc, trade marks that may appear in the website are the property of their respective owner and are equally protected by the international copyright laws.
The grants you a limited license to access to the web and use under the protocols established for the users. It is strictly prohibited to download scrren captures, or to modify it (total or a portion of it) in any circumpstance without express consent from
This standard licence does not allow any resale or commercial use of this site or its content, partially or totally. As well as any derivate use of the website, copy, download, transfer of date for the benefit or any other merchant, or any othe ruse of data miningh and data extractions tools.
This site or any portion of it may not be reproduce, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, or exploited for any commercial purpose without consent of the propietor.
Framing or any frame techniques in order to enclose any trademark, logo, graphic or element, that may be protected by international copyright laws will be avoided. This applies to property of or any of its associates or suppliers unless an express written consent is granted. Users may not use any other tools for similar purposes (tagging or meta tagging).
An unauthorised use terminates the license granted by and the further use of the website.
As a general rule a limited, revocable and nonexclusive right to create a hyperlink to the home page so long as the link doesn't portray the website, associates and products in a false, misleading, derogatory or offensive way.
The access and use granted of this website is made under the sole responsibility of the user and renounces expressly to any liability for the misuse of the website, any of its elements, graphics or logos or any content in it. doesn't warrant that the site, servers or electronic communications are virus-free or may content any other harmful component or may not be hacked or attacked and therefore it will not be liable for any damages or any kind arising from the use of this site, including consecuences for the insufficient level of protection of the users terminals, computers or any other type of device. will not be liable t the potential damages, watever they may be, as a consecuence of the use of this website, its sales or its products whatever the extension are or the legal frame is affected.
If you use this site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer or device, smartphones included. Users agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occurs under your account.
It is agred and understood that users under 18 years old may use of our website only with involvement of a parent or an adult. www.worldflags. reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content ir cancel orders in their sole discretion.
Purchase orders will be prefereable issued by the e-form displayed in the e-commerce when filled up in their mandatory data requested. Orders sent by other means of communications such as telephone and instant messenger applications will be accepted.
Once the purchase order is received will issue a confirmation of the order purchase (henceforth confirmation) and send to the e-mail address provided by the costumer in the e-form or given by telephone.
In case of out of stock of any of the products included in the e-form will offer the possibility of waiting for restock, change the e-form or cancel the order and refund the costumer. The refund will be made by the same mean of payment chosen in the e-form or valid mean of communication, provided that payments has been reecived form costumer.
The final amount in the checkout account will be paid exclusively by the following means of payment:
(a) CREDIT CARD & DEBIT CARD . This payment service is provided by a bank or credit institution. excludes any responsibility with regards to the confidentiality and security of the information and data provided by costumer when the payment is sent as long as those data and information management are beyond the control by
Acepted credit card and debit card will be displayed in the checkout and payment form and will be informed in the website menu.
(b) By Bank Wire (accepted for transactions in Spain or EU) TO THE BANK ACCOUNT 0182 0329 50 0201517015 of BBVA, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria. Indicating in al cases:
Concept: Name and surname along with the Purchase Order number
(c) By any electronic method of payment available at the time of purchase. Such as instant payment service PAYPAL.
(d) CASH ON DELIVERY (Limited to the EU countries).
Shipping charges and taxes
Packing and shipping cost are paid by costumer. However grants costumers a Free of Charge Policy when the global purchase reaches a certain amount. This amount granting a F.O.C delivery is marked in the e-commerce and will be estated in the checkout form. Please ask for further information about our F.O.C. terms as it is changed yearly.The shipping cost will be paid alongwith the products and will be included and marked in the checkout form.
Local and national taxes are included in the final price.
Orders sent overseas and out of the EU can be charged with local import taxes. Please note that is not responsible of these charges. Please verify tax policy with your authorities.
Cash on Delivery special notice
In case the costumer choses C.O.D. some extra charges will be applicable (administration, logistic and service) and this extra charge will be a minimum of 3 € chargable to costumer after checkout and before e-form is completed. may ensure the operation by requesting a part of the total amount paid in advance prior to the consignment of the goods when the global amount reaches a certain level.
Reservation of title clause
In case any goods are sent in a basis of Cash on delivery grant a retention title until the good, shipping cost and extra charges where applicable are fully paid.
Delivery term
The average time for in stock products will be 2-5 working days since the payment is received from costumer. In the event that any of the reference is out of stock or can't be delivered along with theproducts in stock the average delivery time will be effective since the reference is restocked. declines any responsability in case of overwhelming force or any other major cause avoiding to accomplish the service. Please revise our returns & refunds policy.
Areas of delivery sends products to the entire world. Please check your zone for further information and shipping cost.
Title and Risks
Delivery is completed at the time that the goods are made available to the costumer, either by or any or its associates or by a third party, in the address given by the costumer in the e-form. The risk of loss, damage, impairment passes to the costumer upon completion of this availability.
Liability for delivery of goods will not take any liability and therefore will be free of any further responsibility in the following cases:
(a) Unpayment total or partial by the costumer as per the e-form except in the C.O.D. mode.
(b) Omission, Unaccuracy or mislead information which is essential as per this General terms to process the order and it is marked as compulsory in the order form.
Risk of loss
All the items purchased from are made pursuant to a shipment contract and therefore the risk of loss and title for all the items purchased pass to the costumers upon delivery to the carrier.
Users and costumers are granted the right to cancell the order before the consignment and shipping of the order. This right can be excuted without any specific formality, being enough any clear manner to have the vendor noticed. will refund the costumer the amount paid, but will be entitled to ask for a compensation in case some extra or exceptional expenses have been made when preparing the order.
10. RETURNS & REFUND POLICY carries a policy of return & refund in case of defectiveness of the products, and will be in charge of all the returns procedures and costs provided the vendor is noticed within 7 working days of the delivery date.
In the rest of cases and as a general rule doesn't have a return policyand in case of further discussion and agreement al the expenses generated by the returns procedures will be asumed by the costumer.
In order to get a total refund of the received goods it is mandatory to open a return procedure by obtaining a RMA (Refund Merchandise Authorisation) which will be issued by the vendor within the given term of notice.
11. PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS AND PRODUCT DISPLAY and its associates attempt to be as accurate as possible. However doesn't warrant that a particular product description provided or other content is accurate, complete, reliable or error-free admits that if a product is not as described in the web site a return procedure can be open. offers a wide range of products endowed with particular values and sensibilities and to some extent, understands that some of them or their elements, designs or descriptions may be considered as offensive for a certain group or community. holds no responsiblitity of any politicial, religious or social value behind the products or inextricably linked to a period of time and oare displayed and offered for its cultural and historical value, without any further meaning or intention. carries a strict policy of segregating product and potential propaganda or alternative use of the products, elements or designs displayed. This policy excludes any activist mean and keeps a totally neutral policy in political terms and a binding defence of the values behind the ruling Constitution of the State of Spain and the E.U. laws. holds a strict policy of non displaying, exhibition, creation or offering of any product with any logo, element, design or graphics of active terrorist groups.
Costumer / user authorise to to automatic treatment of all the data provided in the e-form and will use these under the terms of the Data protection policy according to data protection regulations applicable in the State of Spain
By completion and sending of the Order sheet with all the data required user agrees to transfer these to a file for automatic treatment by or any of its associates according to data protection regulations applicable in the State of Spain.
When visiting you agree the use of cookies and by registering in our data base you agree that we may use the informationprovided for or its associates for e-mail marketing. will not in any case share your data with any other companies, groups and will always provide an option to remove your e-mail address from our database in order to stop receiving electronic communications.
Any communication between costumer, user and must be done by e-mail, postal mail or telephone.
In case of communicating with ellectronically or in the event that an e-mail adress have been provided you consent to receive communications from us electronically. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclousures and other messages we provide electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communication be in writing.
For communications to, the vendor desinates the ollowing postal address:
The costumer address will be considered as the same as given in the e-form.
Users are granted the right to express opinions, suggestions, or to request assistance. In order to make it effective users can contact the Costumers service of
- by e-mail [email protected]
- by telephone: 943 376424
The General terms are governed by the laws of the State of Spain and any dispute relating to use, interpretation or application of any of its clauses will be submitted to the Spain ruling law.
Any dispute relating in any way to your visit, use, purchase through will be submitted to the court of Madrid in the State of Spain or to confidential arbitration in Spain if both parties agree. In this case the arbitration award will be biding.
Conditions generales
These are the general terms of purchase (henceforth general terms) ruling the sales through our e-commerce of all the products displayed ("henceforth products"). These terms are a complement to the specific terms set in the electronic order of purchase.
These general terms compilation are intended to rule on a basis of a B2C or final costumers model, and don't apply to B2B models or sales to retailers or resellers.
The completion and sending of the Order sheet express the total agreement to all the general terms, as it is indicated in the box "I accept all the general terms" of the Order of purchase.
All content included in this website, such as logo, graphics, icons, images, downloads, and data compilation is property of or its content providers. All this content is protected by the international coypright laws.
The term worldlfags or tarde marks associated may not be used in connection with any other products or services that are not or any of their propietors, in a way that is likely to cause confusion among costumers or discredit the name of the company. Al those commercial logos, graphisc, trade marks that may appear in the website are the property of their respective owner and are equally protected by the international copyright laws.
The grants you a limited license to access to the web and use under the protocols established for the users. It is strictly prohibited to download scrren captures, or to modify it (total or a portion of it) in any circumpstance without express consent from
This standard licence does not allow any resale or commercial use of this site or its content, partially or totally. As well as any derivate use of the website, copy, download, transfer of date for the benefit or any other merchant, or any othe ruse of data miningh and data extractions tools.
This site or any portion of it may not be reproduce, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, or exploited for any commercial purpose without consent of the propietor.
Framing or any frame techniques in order to enclose any trademark, logo, graphic or element, that may be protected by international copyright laws will be avoided. This applies to property of or any of its associates or suppliers unless an express written consent is granted. Users may not use any other tools for similar purposes (tagging or meta tagging).
An unauthorised use terminates the license granted by and the further use of the website.
As a general rule a limited, revocable and nonexclusive right to create a hyperlink to the home page so long as the link doesn't portray the website, associates and products in a false, misleading, derogatory or offensive way.
The access and use granted of this website is made under the sole responsibility of the user and renounces expressly to any liability for the misuse of the website, any of its elements, graphics or logos or any content in it. doesn't warrant that the site, servers or electronic communications are virus-free or may content any other harmful component or may not be hacked or attacked and therefore it will not be liable for any damages or any kind arising from the use of this site, including consecuences for the insufficient level of protection of the users terminals, computers or any other type of device. will not be liable t the potential damages, watever they may be, as a consecuence of the use of this website, its sales or its products whatever the extension are or the legal frame is affected.
If you use this site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer or device, smartphones included. Users agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occurs under your account.
It is agred and understood that users under 18 years old may use of our website only with involvement of a parent or an adult. www.worldflags. reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content ir cancel orders in their sole discretion.
Purchase orders will be prefereable issued by the e-form displayed in the e-commerce when filled up in their mandatory data requested. Orders sent by other means of communications such as telephone and instant messenger applications will be accepted.
Once the purchase order is received will issue a confirmation of the order purchase (henceforth confirmation) and send to the e-mail address provided by the costumer in the e-form or given by telephone.
In case of out of stock of any of the products included in the e-form will offer the possibility of waiting for restock, change the e-form or cancel the order and refund the costumer. The refund will be made by the same mean of payment chosen in the e-form or valid mean of communication, provided that payments has been reecived form costumer.
The final amount in the checkout account will be paid exclusively by the following means of payment:
(a) CREDIT CARD & DEBIT CARD . This payment service is provided by a bank or credit institution. excludes any responsibility with regards to the confidentiality and security of the information and data provided by costumer when the payment is sent as long as those data and information management are beyond the control by
Acepted credit card and debit card will be displayed in the checkout and payment form and will be informed in the website menu.
(b) By Bank Wire (accepted for transactions in Spain or EU) TO THE BANK ACCOUNT 0182 0329 50 0201517015 of BBVA, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria. Indicating in al cases:
Concept: Name and surname along with the Purchase Order number
(c) By any electronic method of payment available at the time of purchase. Such as instant payment service PAYPAL.
(d) CASH ON DELIVERY (Limited to the EU countries).
Shipping charges and taxes
Packing and shipping cost are paid by costumer. However grants costumers a Free of Charge Policy when the global purchase reaches a certain amount. This amount granting a F.O.C delivery is marked in the e-commerce and will be estated in the checkout form. Please ask for further information about our F.O.C. terms as it is changed yearly.The shipping cost will be paid alongwith the products and will be included and marked in the checkout form.
Local and national taxes are included in the final price.
Orders sent overseas and out of the EU can be charged with local import taxes. Please note that is not responsible of these charges. Please verify tax policy with your authorities.
Cash on Delivery special notice
In case the costumer choses C.O.D. some extra charges will be applicable (administration, logistic and service) and this extra charge will be a minimum of 3 € chargable to costumer after checkout and before e-form is completed. may ensure the operation by requesting a part of the total amount paid in advance prior to the consignment of the goods when the global amount reaches a certain level.
Reservation of title clause
In case any goods are sent in a basis of Cash on delivery grant a retention title until the good, shipping cost and extra charges where applicable are fully paid.
Delivery term
The average time for in stock products will be 2-5 working days since the payment is received from costumer. In the event that any of the reference is out of stock or can't be delivered along with theproducts in stock the average delivery time will be effective since the reference is restocked. declines any responsability in case of overwhelming force or any other major cause avoiding to accomplish the service. Please revise our returns & refunds policy.
Areas of delivery sends products to the entire world. Please check your zone for further information and shipping cost.
Title and Risks
Delivery is completed at the time that the goods are made available to the costumer, either by or any or its associates or by a third party, in the address given by the costumer in the e-form. The risk of loss, damage, impairment passes to the costumer upon completion of this availability.
Liability for delivery of goods will not take any liability and therefore will be free of any further responsibility in the following cases:
(a) Unpayment total or partial by the costumer as per the e-form except in the C.O.D. mode.
(b) Omission, Unaccuracy or mislead information which is essential as per this General terms to process the order and it is marked as compulsory in the order form.
Risk of loss
All the items purchased from are made pursuant to a shipment contract and therefore the risk of loss and title for all the items purchased pass to the costumers upon delivery to the carrier.
Users and costumers are granted the right to cancell the order before the consignment and shipping of the order. This right can be excuted without any specific formality, being enough any clear manner to have the vendor noticed. will refund the costumer the amount paid, but will be entitled to ask for a compensation in case some extra or exceptional expenses have been made when preparing the order.
10. RETURNS & REFUND POLICY carries a policy of return & refund in case of defectiveness of the products, and will be in charge of all the returns procedures and costs provided the vendor is noticed within 7 working days of the delivery date.
In the rest of cases and as a general rule doesn't have a return policyand in case of further discussion and agreement al the expenses generated by the returns procedures will be asumed by the costumer.
In order to get a total refund of the received goods it is mandatory to open a return procedure by obtaining a RMA (Refund Merchandise Authorisation) which will be issued by the vendor within the given term of notice.
11. PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS AND PRODUCT DISPLAY and its associates attempt to be as accurate as possible. However doesn't warrant that a particular product description provided or other content is accurate, complete, reliable or error-free admits that if a product is not as described in the web site a return procedure can be open. offers a wide range of products endowed with particular values and sensibilities and to some extent, understands that some of them or their elements, designs or descriptions may be considered as offensive for a certain group or community. holds no responsiblitity of any politicial, religious or social value behind the products or inextricably linked to a period of time and oare displayed and offered for its cultural and historical value, without any further meaning or intention. carries a strict policy of segregating product and potential propaganda or alternative use of the products, elements or designs displayed. This policy excludes any activist mean and keeps a totally neutral policy in political terms and a binding defence of the values behind the ruling Constitution of the State of Spain and the E.U. laws. holds a strict policy of non displaying, exhibition, creation or offering of any product with any logo, element, design or graphics of active terrorist groups.
Costumer / user authorise to to automatic treatment of all the data provided in the e-form and will use these under the terms of the Data protection policy according to data protection regulations applicable in the State of Spain
By completion and sending of the Order sheet with all the data required user agrees to transfer these to a file for automatic treatment by or any of its associates according to data protection regulations applicable in the State of Spain.
When visiting you agree the use of cookies and by registering in our data base you agree that we may use the informationprovided for or its associates for e-mail marketing. will not in any case share your data with any other companies, groups and will always provide an option to remove your e-mail address from our database in order to stop receiving electronic communications.
Any communication between costumer, user and must be done by e-mail, postal mail or telephone.
In case of communicating with ellectronically or in the event that an e-mail adress have been provided you consent to receive communications from us electronically. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclousures and other messages we provide electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communication be in writing.
For communications to, the vendor desinates the ollowing postal address:
The costumer address will be considered as the same as given in the e-form.
Users are granted the right to express opinions, suggestions, or to request assistance. In order to make it effective users can contact the Costumers service of
- by e-mail [email protected]
- by telephone: 943 376424
The General terms are governed by the laws of the State of Spain and any dispute relating to use, interpretation or application of any of its clauses will be submitted to the Spain ruling law.
Any dispute relating in any way to your visit, use, purchase through will be submitted to the court of Madrid in the State of Spain or to confidential arbitration in Spain if both parties agree. In this case the arbitration award will be biding.